Equine Facilitated Wellness
Wellness with Horses in Wawa, ON
River Edge Wellness with Horses in Wawa, ON offers the EFW method of being with horses. Horses have a willingness to connect with humans, which has helped many individuals better understand their situations and life experiences.
Equine Ethics
We recognize the horse as a sentient being with emotions, preferences, and gifts.
Horses need to be allowed to “express opinions.”
Horses are treated as individuals.
We never abuse a horse physically or emotionally or allow anyone else to abuse a horse in our care.
How to Be Comfortable With Uncertainty – By Laurie Cavan
“I think this is an important point, (uncertainty), and speaks to orienting to our environment. Maybe the additional reflective piece is how we notice our 'felt' understanding of what we are observing. Perhaps by expanding outward to what surrounds us, we can be actively reflective in what we are drawn to, or unconsciously avoid? What this could be better described as an "Indigenous holistic theoretical orientation" (Absolon, 2010), and that we are always interacting: we should try to consider "the influences of the whole on our individual and collective being"(p.76). This concept of "you must practice what you know and be what you do" (p.85) speaks to a 'living' act of being present in your life. Perhaps the act of reflection as an activity rather than introspection can contribute more to a social justice outcome.”
Absolon, K. (2010). Indigenous Holistic Theory: A Knowledge Set for Practice. First Peoples Child & Family Review. Volume 5, Number 2. 2010. Pp. 74–87.